1)Perks of Being A Wallflower
2)Les Miserables.jpg)
6)A Royal Affair
8)Ruby Sparks
12)Anna Karenina
Best Non-2012 Film:
Rabbit Hole
Everything is Illuminated
Best Actor:
Jean-Louis Trintignant,Amour
His performance was equally if not even more rivetting than Emmanuelle Riva in this film.Its a role which is very challenging that needs the right amount of strength to make the audience understand and empathise his actions and reactions in the film.Its the kind of performance/character that stays with you even after watching the film,evaluating what you would have done in the similar situation.Mind blowing!!
I have described Garrett Hedlund performance in On The Road as a revelation and it showcases how talented is this young and upcoming actor.Its his charisma that brings Dean Moriaty alive supported with his raw and honest take of the character.
Best Actress:
Anne Hathaway ,Les Miserables
She is basically only like 15 to 25 minutes in the film but left a deep impact with her depiction of the tragic Fantine with her heart wrenching cover 'I Dreamed a Dream' .You could hear all the emotions in her voice and when she sings the last line '..now life had killed the dream I dreamed'.Shivers!
Only one word to describe her portrayal of the multilayered ,complex,very human manger in Compliance.AMAZING!I really hope she gets a nod this year .
Best Male Debut:
Mikkel Følsgaard,A Royal Affair
Best Female Debut:
Samantha Barks ,Les Miserables
Actor of the Year: Joseph Gordon Levitt(Looper,The Dark Knight Rises,Premium Rush)
Actress of the Year:Jennifer Lawrence(The Hunger Games,The Silver Linings Playbook)
Emily Blunt(Your Sister's Sister,Looper, The Salmon Fishing in the Yemen)
Shocking Performance of the year:
Kirsten Dunst(Bachelorette)
- I just love the mean Kirsten Dunst.Another bold choice after Melancholia!
-I was among the people who doubted Emma Watson that she could shed the image of being Hermione by playing Sam,the girl next door with a reputation of dating older guys and desperately wanting to be someone that she can be proud of.I was so wrong.From the moment she appeared onscreen ,she nailed all the scenes and her chemistry with Logan Lerman was so sweet
Dreama Walker,Compliance

-Better known as June in the American series Dont Trust the B ,Dreama turn as the innocent and very naive Becky is one of the haunting performance of the year.
Best Young Performer: Pierce Gagnon,Looper
-I had praised this kid for giving a performance at a par with his adult co-stars.Not to mention he has the cute and creepy factor to pull of the role of the Rainmaker.
Charlie is one of those characters that you just wanna give him a big hug and tell him everything gonna be okay.A character that you root for and care and Logan Lerman performance in the film brought the character alive from the pages of a wonderful book.I t was a performance mixed with charm,awkwardness and honesty.
Isabelle Allen,Les Miserables
Her rendition of Castle on a cloud was so heartbreaking that only a cold hearted person would not shed a tear.
Kara Hayward,Moonrise Kingdom
She has this weird maturity to her performance despite being only 14.She and the other kid basically carried the film with the sizzling chemistry.
Favourite Scene:
The Tango Scene,Upside Down
With all the beautiful CGI presenting during this scene(and throughout the film),the tango dance of the lonely Eden and a unknown man was a visual feast.Another scene would be the upside down kiss in the mountains(what's the thing with Kirsten kissing upside down?)
A scene with Charlies voiceover that made me feel infinite.
It's a funny scene mixed with nice cover of popular songs about sex.
Ballroom scene,Anna Karenina
The ballroom scene where Vronsky invites Anna to dance the waltz where everyone watches has a fantasy feel in this gorgeous period flick.
-The scene which acts a the climax of the film which showcases the brilliant acting chops of Emily Blunt and the Pierce Gagnon.When the kid says'mum' and breaks down into tears...that was really moving.
I couldn't find the exact screen capture of this scene ,so I included another beautiful scene.Its basically the scene where the husband trying to catch a pigeon after the death of his wife.While at first the director makes it look like the husband is gonna kill the bird but he ended up petting the bird gently and eventually releasing it .Its such a symbolic scene which I believed to be to depict the husband receiving death with open arms.
Dean Moriaty..Dean Moriaty,On the Road

Even though Dean Moriaty was a dick, the scene where he is in cold(lonely and lost like throughout the film) asking for a lift from the friend he abandoned in Mexico is really sad and poignant.
Shocking Scene: Charlie's Breakdown,The Perks of Being a Wallflower
While a bit different from book,this scene really have the same effect on me.Disgusted of Aunt Helen,pity for Aunt Helen,hoping for Charlie is alright,.A very intense scene filled with different emotions.
If you have watched the film you would understand what I meant.
Bane and Batman underground fight,The Dark Knight Rises
This fight scene is so epic.With the background score,water stream with Batman and Bane going head to head with Selina Kyle watch in guilt.
Becky Staring at the Surveillance's Camera,Compliance
This is the most uncomfortable scene in the movie despite all the nudity and craziness that is in the movie.The scene where Becky stares at the camera without hope sort of made me and I believe other viewers too to be a accomplice in this fake interrogation.
Breaking Dawn pt 2
P.S. I haven't watched Zero Dark Thirty,Holy Motors and Cloud Atlas(I'm still trying to finish the book).
Favourite TV Series/Miniseries:
Game of Thrones 2
Game Change
Happy Endings 2
Walking Dead 3
How I Met Your Mother 8
Breaking Bad 5
Once Upon a Time 1 and 2
This scene and the scene where Rick finds out Lori's death with the baby's crying in the background totally showcases how much Andrew Lincoln had improved from the pilot. You could literally feel his guilt and pain.He was consistent throughout the season and not to forget his amazing accent despite being a British.
I wasn't a fan of the original Sherlock and of Benedict Cumberbatch portrayal of the iconic character.What Jonny Lee Miller succeed compared to Benedict is that he made the character likable and relatable despite the eccentric nature of the character.
A character that fans love to hate.Thanks to the script and Alfie Allen's potrayal of Theon Greyjoy adds depth to this tormented character which makes you to root for him even though you hate him to core.
Best Actress: Julianne Moore,Game Change

Besides her scary resemblance Sarah Palin,Jullianne Moore strong yet vulnerable performance of the politician proves that she is one of the most underrated actress of our generation.
Lena Headey,Game Of Thrones
Who doesn't love the drunken cynical Cersei?This particular scene showcases all sides of Cersei and how brilliant Lena Headey can shift from being cynical to being vulnerable and then showing some strength.All in a single episode.

Another evil Queen that you root for despite her being the villain.
I just want Jofferey Baratheon to have a miserable death..the hatred this character is receiving just proves the capability of Jack Gleeson pulling off the character so well.
Being passive and doing nothing is also a form of strength.That's what Sansa Stark is all about.She represent the most realistic arc of the show and Sophie Turner performance is delightful to watch.Only fifteen during the filming,she performed all the difficult and intense scene with ease and the right amount of maturity and vulnerability.She is definitely a promising actress and with the beauty and the adequate acting chops,i definitely see her having mainstream success as she grows up.

Bailee Madison needs no introduction when it comes to her acting ability.She had a meaty role in Bridge To Terrabithia ,a brilliant scene in the Brothers and played the lead of Dont Be Afraid of the Dark.Playing the young Snow White she again manages to give a performance which could rival her adult co-stars Barbara Hershey and Lana Parilla.And not to forget she cries liek she is really in pain.
What do you think of my list.Whats your favourites of 2012.Do share in the comment section.
Wow amazing list! Very thorough breakdown of the year. I'm really looking forward to Compliance when it comes out here next year!
@ Pete Turner Compliance is a really mind provoking film .However,its very disturbing film in all level.I would compare it with Whistleblower and Blue Valentine.Good films ,great acting but very hard to watch
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