1.Forrest Gump
'Life is like a box of chocolates,you don't know what you're gonna get'.....is one of the famous quotes of all time.Tom Hanks and Robin Wright were amazing in their roles.It is very rare to see a war film with drama and humor inserted to it.Almost all the scenes in Forrest Gump are my favourite .If I had to pick one ,it would be the scene of the young Forest Gump running and getting rid of his leg bracers.
2.The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight is probably the best superhero film that ever been made.Many superhero film may come in the future but I don't think it could be at par with The Dark Knight.All the actors from Christian Bale who played the Batman to the smallest role of Rachel Dawes played by Maggie Gyllenhaal,everyone performed well.However, it is the performance of Heath Ledger as the Joker that will stay in our minds.He was disturbingly superb playing the joker.
3.Into The Wild
Into The Wild is my favourite indie film of all time.Its a beautiful film with amazing performance from the cast that includes Emile Hirsch,Kristen Stewart,Vince Vaugn and many more.It is a shame that AMPAS did not give the deserved recognition for the film and its actors,especially Emile Hirsch.Emile Hirsch performance as 'Alexander Supertramp' definitely deserved an Oscar nomination and I felt he was snubbed for a Oscar nod.The last death scene is my favourite scene of the movie.You could see the hard work he had done to loose the weight and the death scene is moving with the closeups to the face.
4.Toy Story series

The Toy Story films is another favourite of mine.It might be a film about toys but it is mainly about acceptance which all of us can relate to.Tom Hanks as Woody is perfect!
Atonement directed by Joe Wright and staring James McAvoy,Keira Knightley and Saoirse Ronan.A beautiful British film with amazing performance from the cast especially the blue eyed Saoirse Ronan.
6.El Laberinto del fauno
Pan's Labyrinth is a film that could be categorised as fantasy and horror or more precisely fall in the my favourite genre weird fiction.It is the fairy tales for the adults.Such an beautiful film with amazing visual effects and Guillermo Del Toro one of a kind touch to it.
7.I Am Sam

I Am Sam a heartwarming movie with amazing performance from Sean Penn as the mentally disabled father and Dakota Fanning as his small daughter.As usual Sean Penn is great in the role but if you ask me ,Dakota stole all the scenes she was in.Dakota,small in size but huge talent.She could be the next Meryl Streep if she chooses her future projects well.
A film by Christopher Nolan with casts consisting of Leonardo DiCaprio,Ellen Page,Joseph Gordon Levitt and Marion Cotillard.The film is filled with action scenes with beautiful visual effects.Its plot is at a fast pace and not boring anywhere.Every scene is beautifully crafted and keeps one glued to the seat.
9.Harry Potter series
I don't think anyone in this world with a correct mind hates the Potter films.All the Potter films have achieved both critical and commercial success.One of the reason of the success of the film is the strong performance from the whole cast of the Potter films.From the smallest character to the trio everyone delivers a strong performance. The best potter film would the Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2. My favourite scene would be the Snape death scene and Snape's flashback.The war scene is beautifully done.
10.An Education
Simple storyline is backed with strong performances from the cast especially Carey Mulligan and Peter Sarsgaard.the character Jenny is so relatable and Carey Mulligan shines in the role.My favourite scene would be the scene where Jenny confronts her headmistress(Emma Thompson) after she found out the truth of her boyfriend and that she wanted to join schooling again.The scene where Jenny speaks low of her English teacher is another great scene.
11.Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
The Lord Of The Rings is the best films of the fantasy genres.The film is about the journey of Frodo Baggins travelling through middle earth to destroy the ring that could cause destruction.It is a masterpiece filled with magic,hardship,friendship,love and adventure.
12.The Reader
Having read the novel, I was excited to see it brought alive onscreen and with Kate Winslet as Hannah Schmitz make it more exciting.Overall the film had me a effect on me for days after watching it.The courtroom scene where Kate Winslet took all the blame to prevent others to know that she couldn't read was probably one of the best scene of the film.The scene where Hannah starts to learn in the jail and meets the adult Ralph Fiennes were some other good scenes.Kate Winslet was amazing as Hannah Scmitz and probably it was best performance ever from Kate Winslet.
An animated film about two robots falling in love.........sounds so silly but it did surprise everyone.Even without much voice-over for WALL-E and EVE we can still feel the emotions.Its like a futuristic silent film.
14.My Left Foot
One word to sum up why I loved this movie, 'Daniel Day Lewis'(three words actually).He was amazing as Christy Brown.Daniel Day Lewis is a acting legend if you ask me.He was Christy Brown in the film rather than playing the character.My favourite scene would be the dinner scene.
15.(500) Days Of Summer
Another film with a simple plot that manage to leave an impact.Told in a non-linear narrative its about a relationship that expires as day passes.Joseph Gordon Levitt and Zooey Deschanel was suitable for the roles and gave a convincing portrayal of the role.
Hunger the debut film of visionary director Steve McQueen is one of my favourite autobiographical films.It was based on the the last days of Bobby Sands.Michael Fassbender was amazing as Bobby Sands and the death scene of Bobby Sands had a very deep impact on me.Plus the 17 minute non break scene shows both the director and Michael Fasssbender's potential.
Anastasia is another of my favourite animated film.I was always fascinated by the world history since I was small and the Tsars and the Romanov and the theory of Anastasia being alive had always played in my head.Although this film is just based on the urban legend of Russia ,I still liked the film and the song Once Upon December was one of my favourite songs in the animated films.
18.Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street
Tim Burton's film can be classified into its own genre.You can easy identify a Tim Burton's film easily by watching a couple of scenes.Sweeney Todd is my favourite Tim Burton film all time.Both Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter were perfect for their respective roles.
19.The Devil Wears Prada
The Devil Wears Prada although being film about fashion world,the plots is fast and not dragging.It is amazing to see how Meryl Streep transform into a character and Meryl Streep as Miranda does not disappoint.Another actress who were also good in the film was Emily Blunt as Miranda assistant.she manages to steal all the scenes she was in.My favourite scenes would be the final scene where Andy(Anne Hathaway) decides to quit the job.
I added Jarhead to my list because it is my favourite war film.Instead of showing the brutality of war,the film explains how the marine are affected psychologically.The war scenes are only shown like 20 minutes before the end of the film.Jake Gyllenhaal was superb as Anthony Swofford.My favourite scene would be the scene where he threatened to kill Fergus due to mental meltdown.The scenes where he starts to get rebellious is also another good scene.
Election is another of my favourite comedy film.I'm sure that everyone had met someone like Tracy Flick in their life.To speak the truth ,during my schooldays I was the a bit of the male version of Tracy Flick.Reese Winterspoon shows some serious acting skills playing the focused Tracy Flick.My favourite scene would be the scene she decided to tear the posters of the rival of the election.
The film Doubt is one of my favourite Meryl Streep film.What makes the film the interesting is the fact that they didn't reveal whether the priest is really guilty or innocent the entire movie.The performance of the cast is another reason why I loved the film.As usual Meryl Streep was amazing as Sister Aloysius and manages to work well with the other cast which include the beautiful Amy Adams,Philip Seymour Hoffman and Viola Davis who shines in the few minutes she was given.
23.Bridge To Terrabithia
The Bridge To Terrabithia is probably had the most logical use of magic in a film as it is purely about the imagination of the kids in this film.The kids in the film should be applauded for giving a very mature performance.Whether it is Josh Hutcherson or Anna Sophia Robb or Bailee Madison, gave a consistent good performance throughout the film.My favourite scenes would be the scenes where Josh hutcherson start to cry in the woods because Leslie had passed away.
24.Inglorious Bastards
Directed by Quentin Tarantino,this film has a huge cast which includes Brad Pitt,Michael Fassbender and Christoph Waltz.My favourite scene would be the scene where the firefight scene between Michael Fassbender and August Diehl in the bar.Although the firefight is like only for 5 minutes,it does stay with you longer than that.
25.No Country For Old Men
No Country For Old Men had every element to be a classic film.Its straightforward plot with some unexpected twists and fast paced screenplay backed with strong performance from the cast especially from Javier Bardem as Anton Chigurh makes the film irresistible.The character Chigurgh is probably the best thing of the movie.We know that this is a character with no sympathy as we watch the film.Overall it was a great film.
So these are my top 25 films.What do you think of it?Feel free to leave comments about my top 25 and your favourite films too.
Very interesting diverse bunch of films! Loved Into the Wild and many more of these. But still need to catch Doubt and An Education. Both sound excellent!
do watch both those films @Pete...especially Doubt....viola Davis only appears like altogether 5 miutes the most but she performed so well...I dont think I need to say anything about meryl streep..she is a living legend when it comes to acting...looking forward for your posts on what u think about those films...I would definitely write my take on city of god
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